Vampire the masquerade redemption characters
Vampire the masquerade redemption characters

vampire the masquerade redemption characters

Aristocrats Are Evil: Even the ones who DON'T advocate human sacrifice will treat you like garbage.Of course the only businesses in town that are open in the middle of the night cater to vampires and/or nocturnal thugs that's just good marketing. All There in the Manual: The manual contains a lot of information on Christof's backstory and the Old World of Darkness that never actually comes up during the course of the game.Anezka tries to be this, too, but doesn't really succeed. Action Girl: Every female vampire who is not hostile to you.The game's whole story, crossing most of Europe and 800 years of history, culminating in an epic battle to prevent an apocalypse on January 1st, 2000, ultimately turns on Christof and the three things which drive him: his love for Anezka, his despair and rage over his condition, and his faith. I mean, this wouldn't be a Vampire game without the protagonist becoming a bloodsucking monster at some point, now would it? Vampires and monsters of misshapen flesh walk the streets at night in Prague, but you are confident that with your trusty sword and faith in God, you can overcome any enemy. As you heal, you become friendly with Anezka, the cute nun who helped you recover, and take it upon yourself to protect her and her convent from the creatures of the night that threaten it. In short, you're a crusader who finds himself resting in Prague after being brutally stabbed on a battlefield somewhere. The game is based on the pen-and-paper roleplaying game Vampire: The Masquerade." The game follows the adventures of a French crusader, Christof Romuald, through Prague and Vienna in the Dark Ages and modern-day London and New York City. To quote Wikipedia: "Vampire: The Masquerade – Redemption is a PC role-playing game released on Jby Activision.

vampire the masquerade redemption characters


vampire the masquerade redemption characters vampire the masquerade redemption characters

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  • Vampire the masquerade redemption characters