The player can choose to play as one of four pre-set characters. It features multiple endings, items and mini-games. Each player takes their turn at going through an event in one of the map locations in order to gain stats that affect the way their love interest perceives them. The player can choose between six different monsters they can try to date. The game has been programmed by Elías Pereiras. It is written by Julián Quijano, Cory O’Brien and Maggie Herskowitz and illustrated by Arthur Tien. It is developed by Beautiful Glitch and published by Those Awesome Guys. It’s up to you to try and get into the twisted heads of the characters and, rather than picking your favorite answer, pick the most gruesome, or the most funny or the most outlandishly ridiculous and you might have more fun on your Xbox One than you did at your real prom.Game Review Monster Prom is a visual novel video game for Windows, macOS and Linux that was released on 27 April 2018. These monsters don’t think like you’d expect them to. You can pick the obvious choices that will surely impress your crush, but sometimes the most obvious answer isn’t the right one.

Monster Prom XXL is a lot of fun, but you can’t shake the feeling that sometimes, it’s really working against you. It’s a nice and quirky way to get the game started and I genuinely found the results to be unpredictable the first few times, after a few runs through I could tell which answers enhanced each stat and would play accordingly. The fact that I had 9 Money and 0 Fun was concerning, but that’s my issue, not the game’s. At the very start of Monster Prom: XXL, you are presented with a pop quiz that determines your stats.

This version contains all the updates and the Second Term DLC.

At the very Monster Prom XXL is a dating simulation game from Beautiful Glitch. Monster Prom XXL is a dating simulation game from Beautiful Glitch.